Fort Ross Part. 2
Fort Ross Fort Ross has a whole lot of interesting history. There is a unique blend of diverse cultural groups that make up the history of Fort Ross. Some of the groups included the Russians, the Kashaya Pomo, Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo Indians, the Aleutian and Kodiak Islanders, and the Spanish and Mexican settlers. There was also the Creoles, who were the children of Russian men and Native North American women. The resources at the Pacific Ocean, were a huge part/reason for the history of Fort Ross. In the hunt for "soft gold", the Russians settled Alaska. Then later with two primary goals, the Russians migrated to the Pacific coast. The Russians primary goals included to find warmer locations where they would have the opportunity to grow enough food that would feed the Alaskan settlements. There other goal was to be able to increase the range of marine mammals were being hunted. Nationalities such as the Russians, British and the Americans were hunting marine ma...